Wavel + Vimeo

Wavel + Vimeo

  1. go to https://developer.vimeo.com/
  2. Click “new app” button on top right corner and login with your account on prompt.
  3. Fill the details and click “create app” Vimeo create app

You will be redirected to newly created app page.

  1. In the “Permissions” section click on “Request Upload Access” and fill the form and wait for vimeo to enable the access. (optional incase you don’t want to automatic captions upload)
  2. Once upload access is enabled. Go to “Authentication” Section and select “Authenticated (you)” radio button
  3. Select scopes, “public”, “private”, “Edit”, “Upload”, “video files” (“Edit”, “Upload” are required for automatic captions upload) Vimeo create app
  4. Click “generate” and copy the Token displayed after the generated. Vimeo create app
  5. login to Wavel, go to intergrations and click “configure” next to vimeo
  6. Fill the token copied in vimeo and click “save”
  7. Click on “import from vimeo” on conversations page. You will be able to see your uploaded videos.